Bryan Swinford – Bible Preacher, Teacher, and Prison Evangelist.

Check out the Seeking Refuge Pod Cast!

Amos 8:11 – “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:”

I want to first thank our God for providing such a perfect salvation to us, and for sustaining us wholly through His perfect Word. We know the Bible when skillfully used and rightly divided will have a transforming power in the lives of those who will trust in its authority.  

Few of our solid churches that stand on the KJV Bible and fundamentals of the Christian faith will disagree that we are seeing a famine of the true Word of God growing in our nation. This is also extremely true in the jails and prisons.

Prisoners are bombarded with hundreds of false doctrines, cult movements, and false hope name it claim it ministries that do nothing to encourage Biblical repentance. They fail to promote salvation by grace through faith, or train up converts in a path of obedient discipleship. Such an approach to ministry in jails doesn’t provide the life changing results that the power of God will through the unadulterated presentation of the Gospel to men behind bars.

I was saved in prison in 2009, and called into the ministry shortly afterward. I was blessed to receive a fundamental, KJV, Bible education from PMI Center for Biblical Studies. To enroll a prisoner at PMI write to P.O. Box 507 – Arab, AL 35016

After my release I stayed following the Lord and was eventually ordained into the ministry, and I’m still preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ today.

I feel the drawing of God in my life to go into the prison system and preach. My mission is not only to see men give their lives to Jesus, but get as many as possible into courses of study that teach the fundamentals of Christianity from the KJV Bible. Solid studies grounded me in the faith and Christian practice. Going into the prisons is a matter of obedience for me, I have to go for the cause of Christ.

As a Pastor myself I highly recommend all churches to get involved with prison ministry. Supporting PMI Center for Biblical Studies provides a fundamental,  KJV Bible education for prisoners who otherwise might get thrown to the wolves of the modern heresy movements of today.

The focus of our mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ,  Baptize converts, provide them with free KJV basic study literature, and disciple them for the Lord providing resources for them to grow in Christ to any level of Christian service they may be called to.

Some things to consider about Prison Missions:

American penitentiaries are breeding grounds for concentrated forces of evil

85%- or more- of America’s prisoners– have no relationship with Jesus Christ

Increasing numbers of prison administrations are opposing Christian ministries while becoming favorable toward Islam

Biblically ignorant prisoners are being recruited by gangscultists, and Islamists– at alarming rates

Chaplains that should be preaching and teaching the Word of God are forsaking Christ to become ecumenical religious facilitators

Sodomy is occurring more frequently amongst professing Christian prisoners

Prison rehabilitation is a $60 BILLION dollar scam! Of the 95% of PRISONERS that will one day be released, 75% will be back in prison within 48 months

Please support this mission to America’s jails and prisons. It cost very little to provide the men behind bars a Bible education. You can donate directly to PMI. P.O. box: 507 Arab, AL 35016; or online;


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Summary of the PMI Ministry

18,000-20,000 students have enrolled and or graduated since 1981

These students represent approximately 500 jails and prisons in over 30 states.

We have trained approximately 200 PMI Associate Evangelists using our Sharing Jesus course who have helped us win over 15,000 souls for Christ.

We now offer our students 9 college level Bible and ministry preparation tracks including Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Christian Education, Counseling (Nouthetics), Ministry, Jack Van Impe Prophecy Study, Religious Education, Old Scofield Study Bible, and Theology, with optional degrees from Calvary Christian College and Seminary our Indiana affiliate.
• We also publish tens of thousands of tracts, pamphlets, books, booklets and curricula

Three reasons to allow PMI Courses in your prison

They supplement spiritual programming to increase the effectiveness of their spiritual walk with Christ.

They occupy a man’s downtime keeping him fixed on the Lord.

They give these men real training, and a real education to prepare them for a lifetime of Christian service.

I don’t just go to the prisons. I also promote funding that goes to sponsoring prisoner participation. I want to help find a sponsor for every man that seeks to enroll in a study course.  

I personally recommend PMI courses for any prisoner seeking to surrender their lives to college and seminary level Bible study.

I was an inmate myself years ago, and God used PMI to change my life. I was ordained after release, I’ve served as an interim pastor, and I’ve conducted successful missions to prisons and group homes. I earned a BA in Ministry through PMI and I’m forever grateful for everything I learned through their courses. Best of all I have left my old ways behind to live my new life in Christ.

Please Prayerfully Consider inviting me to minister to the men in your institution


Bryan Swinford